At the Core of Your Success

It’s no secret that successful businesses are built upon blood, sweat and tears, but is there a greater risk lurking during these periods of growth? 

The climb toward building a successful financial platform can be steep and the focus for many hard working business owners and employees is often fixated on the golden retirement plan; warm beaches, golf courses, freedom and independence in our senior years.  According to Statistics Canada, by the year 2030, approximately 23% of the population, will be considered senior citizens (60yrs+).   Does this ring true for you?  Regardless of what that magic number is, your health is your ultimate wealth.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) defines healthy aging as the process of optimizing opportunities for physical, social and mental health. 

Are you and your team currently building upon these values?  The sooner we begin the journey of self care, the easier it will be to blend it habitually into our working lifestyle.

Often in the corporate world physical neglect is evident and can display itself through mental, emotional and physical symptoms. 

Any of these sound familiar? 

Low back pain  |  knee pain  |  brain fog  |  stiff neck & shoulders  |  headaches  |  muscle spasms  |  moodiness  |  cramping  |  plantar fasciitis  |  anxiety  |  sciatica

shoulder pain  |  numbness  |  tendinitis  |  carpel tunnel |  depression  |  insomnia

The band-aid solutions like; pain killers, heat therapy, alternative drugs and food addictions are all used to keep us performing and functioning, but the pain returns because we have not resolved the underlying cause. Being part of an integral team puts high demands on our bodies and often initiates the resetting of priorities that can put our long term health and wellbeing at risk.

What if I told you there was a way to obliterate the pain at its root, develop healthier habits, strengthen core and postural muscles, increase focus and improve overall performance.  How would this affect your overall mood, confidence, patience and tolerance?

Too often we take for granted the significant role our core plays in the supportive system of our body. It stabilizes us through every movement and helps prevent injury.

Sitting and standing for long periods of time requires a significant amount of core strength to support good posture.  Poor habits combined with bad posture are contributing sources of pain, inhibiting the capacity of oxygen intake into our bodies, leaving us feeling unmotivated and lethargic.  When our bodies are anxious and stressed, our breathing tends to be even shallower. 

Pilates is a mindful and challenging total body exercise system that focusses on breathing, strengthening core and postural muscles, increasing flexibility, balance, control and the precision of our movements.  It is a safe practice that is accessible to all levels of fitness and all ages.  Without doubt, it’s the multi-purpose tool in your lifestyle utility bag, complimenting everything else you do, and yes, it will improve your round of golf! 

Recognizing the havoc that comes from employee sick days, disability claims, burnt out and disgruntled staff and the toxic environment created  company wide, it does not surprise me that businesses are turning to corporate wellness programs.  An elevation in employee productivity through implementation of these programs is almost instantaneous.  A healthy team, is happier, inspired and connected. They deliver, promote and perform. 

Don’t let Covid-19 hinder your corporate wellness program.  

ZOOM PILATES – is the “new normal”!

Core Addiction Pilates is offering video enabled Interactive Pilates classes. 

Observe how a lunch hour express Pilates class can jumpstart mood and mental clarity.  

Lead by example and let your team know you are alone-together.

For more information on Progressive team building classes, Beginner workshops, and/or Private training, contact me at: 

Our goal is to help you acknowledge that the balance in life between business, health and pleasure is achievable!

Aneesa Smith

Core Addiction Pilates

The Addiction is Real!

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